Personal, social and health education

Gumboot Friday - FREE - Design a gumboot
Gumboot Friday is a fundraiser for free mental health counselling for kids in New Zealand. Get your students involved with this FREE print-and-go worksheet.
Design a gumboot - eg pictures/symbols/colours that make me happy (mentally well)
Write words in the gumboot - eg things I can do to keep a smile on my face
Made on A4 size paper.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Back To School Activity – All About Me Stars
A fun, creative activity to help you get to know your students at the beginning of the school year.
Make a star and hang your ‘galaxy of learners’ from the ceiling. The front of the star has flaps that open to reveal a picture of the student (draw a self-portrait or glue a photo) and the back shows 8 pictures of your student’s favourite things.
Two Templates:
♦ With headings (see list below)
♦ Blank – add your own ‘favourite’ categories
The 8 Favourite Things:
♦ Holiday location
♦ Food
♦ Animal
♦ Hobby
♦ TV Programme
♦ Game
♦ Colour
♦ Sport
Template with US spelling/vocabulary is also included: color, program, vacation (instead of holiday).
Two Paper Sizes:
♦ A4 size
♦ Letter size
Easy-to-follow instructions are included. Each star requires two pieces of paper (front and back template). Approximate size: 18cm in diameter.
Great as a classroom activity or set it as a homework project during the first 1-2 weeks of school.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Reflection Questions for the end of the day
50 reflection questions / prompts for the end of the school day.
50 questions displayed on your choice of cards or strips.
Provided in black/white and colour.
UK and US spelling (only affected one word – favourite/favorite)
2 cards displayed on each page.
16 strips displayed on each page.
♦ 50 questions on cards - colour
♦ 50 questions on card – black and white
♦ 50 questions on strips - colour
♦ 50 questions on strips – black and white
♦ Additional cards/strips for US spelling
A variety of thought-provoking questions that encourage students to reflect on their day at school. Suitable for all age groups.
♦ What are some ways that you could share your learning with your family and friends?
♦ If your teacher asked you to hand out a certificate today, who would you give it to? What would you write on it?
♦ What could you do tomorrow that might improve someone else’s day at school?
♦ What did you find challenging today? What did you do to manage the challenge?
♦ List 10 things about school that you appreciate.
♦ Did any activities today help you to understand things better than other activities you’ve tried?
♦ If you could have this day again, what would you do differently? What would you do the same?
♦ What school values did you show today? Give examples.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

Strategy Board Games for Critical Thinking
This is a set of 10 board games that work on STRATEGY rather than CHANCE.
The only equipment you need is counters/markers.
Provided in both colour and black/white.
Easy-to-follow instructions are written on the game boards.
All games are for 2 players.
These games develop skills such as:
♦ strategic thinking
♦ logical thinking
♦ spatial perception
♦ planning ahead
♦ social interaction (not played on a screen!)
♦ Spiralin’
♦ Slide it!
♦ Sandwich
♦ Choices
♦ Pretwa
♦ Block
♦ Len Choa
♦ Nine Holes
♦ Tapatan
♦ Nine Field Kono
Designed on A4 size paper.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources

FIREWORK SAFETY - Secret Code Wheel - Guy Fawkes / Diwali / 4th of July
Fireworks are used as part of many celebrations … Guy Fawkes, 4th of July, New Year, Diwali, Eid Al Adha, …
Let’s teach our students to be safe around fireworks by using this super-fun secret code wheel.
In this resource you will get …
♦ the template to make the code wheel.
♦ 30 firework safety rules for your students to decipher.
♦ themed paper for your students to write their own secret message on.
♦ 30 firework safety rules to display on your wall.
♦ teacher instructions.
© Suzanne Welch Teaching Resources